Building Power Among Grassroots Social Justice Feminist Leaders

Equality Can't Wait Challenge
Family Values @ Work

Family Values @ Work will scale its leadership development programs that help caregivers step into power while deepening their social justice feminist analysis and practice.

Last Updated: October 2023
Competition Participation
Equality Can't Wait Challenge
Equality Can't Wait Challenge


Leadership development
  • Colorado, United States of America
  • District of Columbia, United States of America
  • Michigan, United States of America
  • Nevada, United States of America
  • Oregon, United States of America
  • California, United States of America
  • Georgia, United States of America
  • Illinois, United States of America
  • Maine, United States of America
  • Pennsylvania, United States of America
  • People of African descent
  • Women and girls (all ages)
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities

Executive Summary

Since 2003, Family Values @ Work (FV@W) has built the power of women, caregivers and grassroots organizations fighting for gender and racial equity. Through this grant, we will expand and deepen our social justice feminist practice (meaning an intersectional, holistic feminist movement-building approach), while scaling up our leadership development models to engage more worker activists - primarily women and caregivers across intersecting identities of race, class, gender identity, sexuality, ability, immigration status and language. By putting these caregivers in the driver's seat of community leadership, movement building and elected office, we will accelerate systems change that benefit everyone, especially those most impacted by inequity. This project will build the personal agency of caregivers throughout our network and beyond, instill lasting community power, establish more partnerships between the community and elected feminist leaders and ultimately lead to transformative policy change at local, state and federal levels that achieves race, gender and economic justice.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

Family Values @ Work

Organization Headquarters
Wisconsin, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
10 to 25
Annual Operating Budget
$5.1 to 10 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


Over more than 19 years, FV@W’s member coalitions have been instrumental in helping to win 54 new paid sick days laws, 12 new paid family and medical programs (including our most recent win in Maryland in April 2022!), impacting more than 57 million workers and their families and creating demand for inclusive and sustainable federal policy solutions. As the coronavirus pandemic emerged, we worked with our partners to demand national solutions, eventually passing emergency paid leave provisions in the CARES act - reducing coronavirus caseloads across the country and ensuring that millions of workers had the right to rest, heal and take care of loved ones during an unprecedented public health crisis. We also worked hard to win 45 new paid sick days laws related to the pandemic, and fought for updates to nearly 30 existing laws.

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